Download The life of the Rev. Alex. Mathieson, D.D., minister of St. Andrew's Church, Montreal book
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Аthor: James Croil, Alexander Mathieson, John.
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Dаtе: 15.08.2012

The life of the Rev. Alex. Mathieson, D.D., minister of St. Andrew's Church, Montreal
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Tag: MaryboroughAll tags. 249 articles are tagged with Maryborough. (Note: A search of the full text of articles for Maryborough finds 671811 articles)
GABIE, Robert Lowrie was born on July 12, 1835 in Fitzroy, Ontario and died on May 18, 1869, he was received on trial in 1863 at Carleton Place, 1864 Moulinette, 1865
1861 BDMs from the Otago Witness.
McADAM - McWILLIAMS | Evans Books
Tag: CharlevilleAll tags. 376 articles are tagged with Charleville. (Note: A search of the full text of articles for Charleville finds 206769 articles)
Ontario Death Registrations " M a" Surnames Mc Me-M i Mo Mu - Mz. MABEE, baby, f, October 2, 1869, 10 months, Townsend, cause - summer complaint 1
ABBS, George was born in 1823 in England and died in 1904. Episcopal He married Susanna Inglehart who was born in 1832 at Palermo Ontario and died in 1924 in Murray
1861 BDMs from the Otago Witness.
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NZ Bound Index Search Hints Lists Ports 1861 BDM's from the 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1862 1863. Reference online: Papers Past Images online.
Canadian Methodist Ministers 1800-1925.
The life of the Rev. Alex. Mathieson, D.D., minister of St. Andrew's Church, Montreal
Canadian Methodist Historical Society. .